
A healthy diet provides important nutrients to help strengthen a child’s immune response to fight disease-causing germs. Some examples are foods rich in vitamin A (or beta-carotene), vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin D, as well as zinc, selenium, iron, copper and folic acid.

So, get your little one used to eating various types of healthy and nutritionally balanced foods, such as red meat, fruit and vegetables, OK, Mom. For your little one who is over 1 year old, mothers can also support their healthy diet by providing growth milk that has been fortified with various essential nutrients, including FOS and GOS, such as Bebelac.

Bebelac 3 GroGreat+ milk is equipped with 14 vitamins and 9 essential minerals such as calcium, iron, iodine and vitamin C, as well as a combination of FOS:GOS dietary fiber in a 1:9 ratio as the only one clinically proven to support your little one’s digestive tract health ( happy tummy).

Apart from containing FOS:GOS, Bebelac 3 Gro Great+ also contains Triple A (DHA, LA, and ALA) with higher DHA to optimize your little one’s cognitive development (happy brain).

With healthy digestion and optimal nutritional intake from food and Bebelac milk, children can be more active and grow to have a cheerful character good heart with rtp slot gacor so they continue to be enthusiastic about playing with their friends happy brain.

Mother, even though it sounds trivial, getting enough and quality sleep is one way to increase a child’s immune system. Therefore, it is very important for children to get enough sleep according to their age.